Bloodkin & Friends w Sunny Ortiz @ the Georgia Theatre 12 27 13


‘Is That All There Is’

‘Never In Vain’

‘Raging Beauties’ w Shonna Tucker & Mark Cunninham

‘Can’t Get High’ w Sunny Ortiz & Eric Culberson

‘Shake Your Hips’ (Rolling Stones) w Boo Ray & Eric Culberson

‘All Dolled Up’

‘Black Jacket’

‘Wait Forever’

‘Love’s Getting Older’

‘Quater Tank of Gasoline’

‘Morning Chrome’

13 w Dave Marr

This entry was posted in Aaron Phillips, Bloodkin, Boo Ray, Daniel Hutchens, David Nickel, Eric Carter, Eric Culberson, John Neff, Jon Mills, Mark Cunningham, Scott Nicholson, Shonna Tucker, Sunni Ortiz, The Georgia Theatre, Todd Nance, William Tonks. Bookmark the permalink.